Comfortably seating a maximum of 16 guests, the Dining/Function room is large, light and airy and benefits from a delightful main garden view. Not only an imposing dining space for ‘Special Occasions & Celebrations’ be they wedding anniversaries, birthdays or any joyous personal event; but also, the room is ideal for hosting Corporate Dinner Parties, Meetings, Workshops and Gatherings. A perfect ‘Away Day Venue’ for any group or team wishing to relocate and stimulate new and exciting ideas and schemes. Catherine & Howard are available by prior arrangement to provide tea, coffee & snacks for meetings and functions and will happily provide a negotiated multi course dinner party menu for anyone interested in such an event.
Please note Date/Price on request
Customer Comment – “The Dining Room is bursting with Character; you feel like the Lord of the Manor as you consume the most excellent bacon and eggs”. – Martin Gardner.